
4 Horrible Habits That Impact Your Lower Back

Jun 07, 2024
4 Horrible Habits That Impact Your Lower Back
There’s nothing like back pain to really ruin your day. There are many different roads to back pain, which affects millions of Americans, and some of your habits may be contributing to the problem.

You had a list of things you wanted to do, but back pain has limited your ability to get to most of them. And this isn’t just a one-off. These days, lower back pain is fast becoming your new normal, and you’re tired of the limitations the issue has placed on your life.

Nearly 40% of American adults report having back pain at some point, and 8% of adults in the United States struggle with chronic back pain. 

Wherever you fall on this scale, Dr. Naveen Reddy, Dr. Maziar Massrour, and the rest of the team here at Apex Pain Specialists want you to know that you’re not without options when it comes to back pain

As musculoskeletal health experts who specialize in pain management, we can certainly do our part to provide you with relief from stubborn lower back pain, but there are also some bad habits that you can break to improve your situation.

1. Resting in one position for too long

Humans are designed to move, so our shift to a more sedentary society has exacted a toll, especially on our spines. One of the ways in which you can stress your spine and place more pressure on your vertebral discs is by remaining in one position for long periods.

Whether you’re sitting on a couch to read or watch TV all evening long or you’re standing for hours on end for work, resting in either position for long periods is not good for your lower back. In fact, one analysis that sought to figure out whether sitting or standing is worse for your back concluded that sitting was slightly worse than standing, but the researchers pointed out that “To maintain the well-functioning of the lumbar spine and manage lower back pain symptoms, any prolonged posture should be prohibited.”

So, at least once an hour, you should move around and stretch your spine — even just touching your toes several times and walking around can help.

2. Poor posture

Another terrible habit for your lower back is poor posture — both sitting and standing. Your spine is happiest when it’s in a neutral position and the workload is spread out evenly among the 33 vertebrae and 23 discs.

So, when you’re sitting or standing, please don’t hunch and make every effort to keep your spine straight, your shoulders back, and your head up. 

3. Not strengthening strong core muscles

Whether or not you have a good exercise regimen, if you’re struggling with ongoing lower back pain, it’s imperative that you do exercises to strengthen your core muscles. Your spine hardly works alone and is supported by various muscle groups, including your:

  • Erector spinae muscles in your back
  • Abdominal muscles
  • Obliques
  • Pelvic floor
  • Hip muscles, including the glutes

Each of these muscle groups surround and support your spine and, when they’re strong, they can help relieve the pressure in your lower back. So, if you have a weak core, it’s time to target this area and a great place to start is with these exercises.

4. Sleeping badly

You sleep for many hours each night, and if your mattress is saggy or you’re sleeping on your stomach, you’re not doing your lower back any favors. Let’s first tackle the mattress, which should provide your back with a firm, even support along the length of your spine. So, if you’re sleeping on an old mattress from a couple of decades ago, it’s time to upgrade.

And, if you’re sleeping on your stomach, this is a terrible position for your spine and can really force it into an unnatural position. Instead, make every effort to sleep on your back or on your side.

These are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to promoting great lower back health and we’re happy to provide you with some more great spine health strategies. Also, we can alleviate the immediate symptoms in your lower back so that you can get cracking on making some lifestyle adjustments that help your back.

For top-notch care of your lower back pain, we invite you to call our office in Chandler, Arizona, at 480-820-7246 or book an appointment online with Apex Pain Specialists today.