
Targeting Back Pain with Discseel® — Is This Innovative Procedure Right for You?

Jul 10, 2024
Targeting Back Pain with Discseel® — Is This Innovative Procedure Right for You?
One of the most well-traveled roads to back pain is paved with damaged discs in the spine. If you’re dealing with back pain due to degenerating discs, we offer a cutting-edge technique that repairs disc(s) — Discseel®.

Year after year, your spine provides the foundational support for your body, so it's little wonder that “cracks” in this foundation can develop. If you’re dealing with chronic or recurring back pain due to damaged discs, welcome to the world of aging.

Disc degeneration over time is perfectly normal and affects about 30% of people by the age of 35 and a whopping 90% of people by the age of 60. When this degeneration leads to pain, you turn the corner into degenerative disc disease (DDD), which is where our cutting-edge Discseel® procedure comes in.

When it comes to back pain of any kind, the team here at Apex Pain Specialists has you covered, Under the direction of Dr. Maziar Massrour and Dr. Naveen Reddy, we offer a wide range of solutions for back issues, but we’re particularly excited about Discseel, which doesn't just mask the problem — the minimally invasive and nonsurgical treatment provides a long-term solution.

Here’s a look at how our Discseel system can resolve your disc-related back pain.

When discs become damaged

To truly appreciate what we can accomplish with Discseel, it's a good idea to quickly review the role that your discs play in your spine.

From the base of your head down to your pelvis, there are 33 vertebrae that stack up to create your spine. In between these bony segments are 23 intervertebral discs that perform three very important functions:

  1. Hold the vertebrae in your spine together
  2. Act as shock absorbers along your spine
  3. Provide mobility in your spine

Each of your discs is made up of a tough, cartilaginous outer layer called the annulus, which houses a jelly-like interior called your nucleus pulposus. As you age, your discs can lose moisture and develop tiny cracks and fissures in the annulus. As a result of this degeneration, you’re more at risk for disc-related back pain issues, such as herniated discs and sciatica.

Discseel repairs discs

Unlike other interventional therapies for back issues that simply address the symptom — pain — Discseel is a procedure in which we can restore health to your damaged and problematic disc.

To start the Discseel process, we perform an Annulogram™ to clearly identify the fissures and cracks in your disc(s). We do this at the same time as your treatment, and it provides us with a road map for what’s to come next.

Once we’ve marked our target areas, we inject a biologic fibrin sealant into these areas to patch up the damage in your disc.

Fibrin is an incredibly powerful protein in your body that plays a large role in your healing process. When you cut yourself, for example, fibrin arrives on the scene to stop the bleeding (it forms a clot) and then the protein aids in the subsequent wound healing cascade.

With Discseel, we introduce this regenerative resource directly into your damaged discs where the fibrin works almost immediately to seal the cracks. In fact, within 30 minutes, your disc regains its normal strength.

With each day, the fibrin continues to add strength to your disc and, over the course of the following year, it integrates into your disc, making it strong and resistant to damage.

What all of this means for you is that you can wave goodbye to disc-related back pain with Discseel.

If you want to explore this exciting approach to managing back pain, simply call our office in Chandler, Arizona, at 480-820-7246 or book an appointment online with Apex Pain Specialists today.